Increasing Your Engagement on Social Media. Breaking Your Audience Into Four Groups and Learning To Serve Them.

“One of the biggest ways to engage your audience is to understand why they’re following you and learning to serve their needs on a consistent basis”


Welcome to my blog page and especially my post dedicated to serving YOU. I started my Influencing journey in 2018. Two years and 15K followers later, I have decided it’s time for a little refresh. When I first started my only niche was fashion. I quickly learned that (1) that wasn’t enough and (2) even though I was posting about fashion, not everyone was following me for fashion. How did I know this? Because people would ask me questions that had nothing to do with fashion.

I would get questions about skincare, growing your brand on social media. I would also occasionally receive feedback that the captions on my page really inspire people as well. That said, I took a step back and adapted a bit.

If you’re an influencer/blogger this is one of the biggest tips to increasing your engagement and ultimately growing your audience. If you’re posting a pretty shirt and your caption is all about the shirt, but the comments are all about the lipstick/foundation that you’re wearing, or how did you tie your headwrap, or your killer twistout, perhaps you need to add these topics into your future content.

If you are in the influencing space and looking for new ways to engage your audience, try breaking them into four groups.

My Four Buckets are (1) Skincare, (2) Fashion, (3) Self-Care/Inspiration and (4) Influencing/Blogger Tips. My bonus bucket is travel, but I don’t do it as often so I cant really produce consistent content on travel (yet), but it’s coming.

If your ultimate goal is to make money off of your Instagram, you have to treat it like a business now (not after you gain the audience you’re looking for). Authenticity should be at the top of your list every single day, but remember selling one product will keep your audience very narrow. Apple could just sell phones all year, but they don’t. They sell laptops, watches, iPads, etc. which allows them to reach more consumers. Think about why people land on your page and then find ways to keep them there. If you are stuck on this topic, do a quick poll asking your audience why they follow you? A quick quiz on your Instagram stories could help too!

And above all, make sure you’re having fun with it! No one’s asking you to create content that’s uncomfortable, but stretching yourself to be more creative is a beautiful thing!

Thank you for reading and I’m looking forward to serving YOU. If you found this helpful, let me know in the comments below!